Monday, June 21, 2010

once a NY asshole, always a NY asshole

today was my first day back visiting WI before i move to atlanta. i spent the afternoon hitting up target, famous footwear, and the post office. yep - it only took one day to become a suburban housewife.

i went to the post office completely unprepared. no pen, no box to ship the item, nothing. luckily the madison post office is nothing like the brooklyn post office. along with the standard issue boxes, they keep a roll of special issue tape around and some good samaritan left a pen for people to use when addressing boxes. it took me no time to tape a box together and weigh out the correct postage. i wanted to include a quick note in the box and hadn't brought in any scrap paper. it just so happened that the guy in front of me at the automated postage machine had left his receipt. perfect. i could be a recycler AND include a note in the box. i write a quick note, place it in the box and tape it up. just as i'm putting the package into the chute for it to be shipped off, the guy in front of me comes back with an employee. he's looking for his receipt. too late. the box is in the chute, completely taped up. i just can't bring myself to confess.

i guiltily leave the premises. as i leave i overhear a plan to pull up the information on the computers and print out a new receipt. that doesn't change the fact that i'm the asshole in the situation. guy seeking his receipt i'm really sorry, but once it's down the chute it's lost forever. i hope you understand.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


yesterday marked my last day as a NYC citizen. i'm sad about leaving my friends, the 24 hour pizza joints, the brownstones of brooklyn, and many other things, but excited for the prospect of beginning my "adult" life. in commemoration of my departure, i've compiled a list of my favorite memories (in random order):

- exploring the "forgotten" borough of staten island. rhythm and booze, the SI ferry, bbq pizza, with a finale at a downtown diner. all on a sunday afternoon.

- finer things club. we'll now be able to add trips to savannah, but it will never rival the adventures had in the greater 5 boroughs.

- brooklyn alliance. the few, the proud, the f and g train riders. those manhattan kids never truly understood.

- amateur burlesque night at galapagos. i certainly never performed, but the tribute to abe lincoln will be forever etched in my brain.

- first dates at the gate. minus the belgian sour ale. check please.

- group gchats. this will continue into my life in atlanta, but still deserves to be on the list.

- searching for bahn mi in chinatown. we never found what we were looking for exactly, but the journey was half the fun.

- old glory specials at cherry tavern. always a terrible idea in the morning, but a whiskey and PBR for under $5 is never a bad idea at the time.

- lifetime movies and wine in harlem. i am not ashamed.

- day trips to coney island. god, nathan's, and the wonder wheel can be found there.

- beer pong at whiskey river. what better way to show off eye-hand coordination?

- above ground subways. the D, Q, J always gave the best view of the city.

- the brooklyn flea. long live hillbilly gold.

- oko. frozen greek yogurt and fruit. let's pretend we're being healthy.

- attempting to go to free concerts. they were always too overrun with hipsters to actually make it in, but the events that ensued post-attempt was always worth the disappointment.

- visits from cloud. cheesy poofs, photo booths, phat farm, and leprechauns.

- alligator lounge. if i hadn't moved away from that place i would be a full-fledged member of pizza addicts anonymous.

- outdoor drinking, especially during the day. no one judges when everyone gets around via cab.

- the beer garden. see above.

- the walk from 42nd to union square. highlight had to be walking 30 blocks next to david from newsies.

- the chicken place. only dining establishment in midtown i'll miss.

- sunny days in prospect park.

- eve's in astoria. those women are vastly underpaid for their skills.

- failed rec teams. namely kickball.

- the evolution of pearl and the beard. they started with a handful of family and friends at free shows, now they're about to embark on a legit tour.

- amNY crosswords on the daily commute. my day always felt off if i didn't finish by the time i made it to the bryant park stop.

- dram shop sports viewing. that poor server was always there.

- craigslist roommates. out of two there's always one nutjob and one keeper.

i hope if/when i leave the south, i'll have as worthy of a list. it will probably reference just as much food.