Monday, June 21, 2010

once a NY asshole, always a NY asshole

today was my first day back visiting WI before i move to atlanta. i spent the afternoon hitting up target, famous footwear, and the post office. yep - it only took one day to become a suburban housewife.

i went to the post office completely unprepared. no pen, no box to ship the item, nothing. luckily the madison post office is nothing like the brooklyn post office. along with the standard issue boxes, they keep a roll of special issue tape around and some good samaritan left a pen for people to use when addressing boxes. it took me no time to tape a box together and weigh out the correct postage. i wanted to include a quick note in the box and hadn't brought in any scrap paper. it just so happened that the guy in front of me at the automated postage machine had left his receipt. perfect. i could be a recycler AND include a note in the box. i write a quick note, place it in the box and tape it up. just as i'm putting the package into the chute for it to be shipped off, the guy in front of me comes back with an employee. he's looking for his receipt. too late. the box is in the chute, completely taped up. i just can't bring myself to confess.

i guiltily leave the premises. as i leave i overhear a plan to pull up the information on the computers and print out a new receipt. that doesn't change the fact that i'm the asshole in the situation. guy seeking his receipt i'm really sorry, but once it's down the chute it's lost forever. i hope you understand.

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